Ongoing Educational Opportunities
January 12, 2025 - June 30, 2026

This list shows all public events. Please note that we have many more public events scheduled from July-December. More information will be added soon. Stay tuned!
We also offer private events for garden clubs, neighborhoods, and more that are not open to the public or listed on this calendar. Please learn more about scheduling Spriggly’s for an event.
Can’t attend our events in person or looking for something different? Please check out our on-demand, online course series, Gardening for the Planet. This masterclass style experience offers simple steps to become stewards of the environment through a series of online courses. From pollinators, to predators, to removing pesticides, enjoy 15+ hours of engaging video content and become an expert on supporting your local ecosystems. Each course has takeaway notes and information documents for download, an optional quiz to test your knowledge, and a certificate of completion. Purchase lifetime access and access the content again and again. Learn more!