Celebrate Spring: A Gardening Symposium with the Mountain Ivy Garden Club
April 11 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Presentation Name: Native Bees & The Habitats They Require
Presentation Details: In this workshop, European honey bees take a back seat to the almost 4,000 species of bees native to North America. Learn about the lives of these pollination juggernauts through an exploration of common species and the habitat each requires for nesting and survival. From the largest to the smallest, native bees are fascinating and extremely beneficial. Supporting them in your spaces is easier than you might think. This workshop offers approaches you can infuse into your everyday gardening that make a huge difference to the bees and other beneficial wildlife around you.
This presentation is part of the Mountain Ivy Garden Club Celebrate Spring Gardening Symposium in Clayton, Georgia on Friday, April 11 from 8-5PM for only $75. The event features four dynamic presenters, including our good friend Adam Bigelow of Bigelow’s Botanical Excursions. Learn more at the link below.